Maegical Manifestation Retreat

These powerful retreats are led by Maegen and David, with a focus on Maegen’s spiritual gifts of working with Mushrooms. There are 2 powerful plant medicine ceremonies, with a focus on healing as well we reprogramming the subconscious mind to get rid of limiting beliefs.

When you go through trauma or toxic relationships, whether as a child or an adult, it leaves unconscious and subconscious limited beliefs such as “I am not worthy of love unless I earn it” or “I have to work really hard for money” all of which create vicious exhausting patterns in your experience.

Maegen has an ability to lead a healing ceremony with sacred medicines paired with breathwork, to help in reprogramming these core beliefs. Your core beliefs co-create 95% of your reality, so your reality can quite quickly start to change after this divine experience.

There are also fun and powerful workshops all throughout the experience, with a focus on integration tools so you go home ready to start creating your new reality

There are usually 12 spots available per experience, fill out the info below to apply!

Cost: $3,333

We’re thrilled you’d like more information on the Maegical Manifestation Retreat. Please complete the form below and David will reach out to discuss your goals for this amazing experience.

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