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Awake Healer

These are microdoses of the CAAPI Vine, which is the central vine used in the Healing brew. We have had beautiful feedback from our community in regards to this experience – people experiencing much less anxiety & depression while also experiencing more creativity!  Most of all, people have powerful lucid dreams – which its possible to gain sacred messages! I created an evening protocol to take with the drops- shoot me an email and I’ll send it your way!

Receive 10% off healing microdosing drops at


Healing mushrooms have been well-documented to increase cognitive function, decrease anxiety, alleviate depression, improve your immune system, and assist you in staying in a more positive frame of mind throughout your day! Mycrologi will also send them right to your door with instructions on how to take them!

Receive 10% off mushroom microdoses at

Sacred Wood Essence

Receive 15 % off divine protecton tools such as Sage, Copal, and Palo Santo at